Make the transport box palatable to the cat

Living in a box.
Are you kidding me? Are you serious when you say that! Because it was just said that cats don't have a sixth sense. And now? A transport box is lovingly draped in the middle of the living room. Cover her with a wonderfully soft blanket . Sprinkles these sensitively with valerian drops. Handing out treats...
And what is the cat doing? She sits at a safe distance in her cat bed and watches skeptically with what irrepressible vigor the two-legged friend tries to encourage her to visit this cuddly box.


At this point at the latest you start to ponder what is responsible for this skepticism and how you should make the transport box palatable to the cat?

A transport box must not be a "trap".

Can cats actually smell such a "trap"? How fortunate it isn't an emergency.
It is definitely advisable to first playfully practice walking on the transport box. If the cat is only "locked up" in it for the first time when it is really ill or in poor physical condition, this means a lot of additional stress for it.

The ideal cat transport box

When buying the transport box, there are also a few basic rules to follow: First of all, of course, it should be escape-proof and well ventilated. Then the paws must not fit far through the openings - this also ensures appropriate privacy. In general, plastic boxes are particularly suitable because they are handy and light.
Cardboard boxes, a metal cage or a small fabric travel bag are less recommended.


What house cat wants to "travel" like a TV, a parrot or a lapdog?

Lure into the box

But even if the box could not theoretically be better equipped: only practice makes perfect. It is not cat's favorite place to be (exceptions prove the rule).
So the first thing to do is to continue to persuade and tempt with culinary delicacies. Over and over again. Then finally, after countless attempts, with lots of kind words and the use of even more chewing sticks and treats, the cat is encouraged to make a flying visit. As a reward, there is a small extra portion of favorite food on top in the kitchen. There is still an empty cardboard box on the floor from the postal delivery. Without hesitation, Mieze slips into it, turns twice in a circle and makes himself comfortable. Only the tip of the tail still sticks out. Sheer mockery!


Conclusion transport box

  • Plastic boxes are handy, light and practical when it comes to cleaning.
  • A removable lid ensures that you can easily lift unruly cats into the box.
  • A cozy blanket provides the well-known smell.
  • The gaps between the bars should not be too large, otherwise a paw will come through very quickly - and that can be painful for cats and humans.
  • Despite everything, the cat doesn't feel like the transport box? When in doubt, one thing always helps: treats.