Is my cat no longer normal?

Cats are cats and not humans on four legs. Therefore, some behavior seems strange to us. But what is really not normal anymore?

Normal cleaning behavior?

We wrongly call a hasty splash of water in the face a cat wash. Because when cats clean themselves, it can hardly be surpassed in terms of thoroughness. But what to do when your four-legged friend has been sitting in his basket for hours, then on the living room carpet and then in the kitchen - and always in the exact spot you should be going to yourself - and cleaning himself. extensively! So eager that he is already distributing whole tufts of hair around the apartment. At the latest when your cat has the first bald patches and the vacuum cleaner bag threatens to burst from all the fur, you should visit a veterinarian to get to the bottom of possible causes. Because that's not normal.

cleaning cat

Excessive grooming and the associated hair loss, the so-called psychogenic leak alopecia , are just one example of behavioral disorders in cats.

Behavior no longer normal

It should be noted that genuine behavioral disorders, behaviors that are not unwanted by humans but are completely normal for cats, can manifest themselves in a wide variety of ways. For example, because the four-legged friend is extremely introverted and withdraws around the clock. Uncleanliness or constant scratching of furniture can also be signs that something is wrong.
And if you feel like your cat has a crack in the bowl from repeating the same movement over and over again, you should seek medical advice as well. Compulsive behavior is not unique to bipeds. The same goes for self-injurious behavior.


When does it get serious?

Fortunately, sometimes it is just a temporary "disturbance". For example, if your dog, who was also a loyal playmate for the cat, died five days ago and the cat has been crawling under the sofa, cupboard or bed since then, then it is obviously mourning.
This is normal, but should not last too long. After two weeks at the latest, the cat should have caught itself and be happily chasing paper balls or mice again.
Because behavioral disorders can also have physical causes, if in doubt, it is more than advisable to contact a veterinarian at an early stage. However, it is sufficient to call first. A conversation with the expert often brings advice and you save your cat the stress of travelling.
One more thing: If you suspect that the animal has to sleep compulsively, you can rest assured. Your cat is just lazy.

UNCLEANLINESS: If you go to the living room or kitchen instead of the toilet, this can indicate a behavioral disorder.

COMMAND MOVEMENTS: This does not include the cat scratching its head eight times instead of seven. Observe abnormalities!

CONTINUOUS WITHDRAWAL:Playing hide and seek is fine, but if you hardly ever see your cat, something is wrong.

COMPULSORY GROOMING: If this leads to hair loss, the cat overdoes it with hygiene.

COMMAND SLEEPING:By the way, there is no such thing. This is just plain laziness!

TO THE VET:If you have no explanation for the causes, contact a veterinarian.