Cat owners have a wide range of canned and dry food to choose from when it comes to feeding their cat. But it is usually unclear where the meat for the...
Cat owners have a wide range of canned and dry food to choose from when it comes to feeding their cat. But it is usually unclear where the meat for the ready-to-eat food comes from and whether the meat content is sufficient for cats to be predators. BARF (biologically appropriate raw food) is based on the natural eating behavior of the cat. The nutrient composition of the prey is as natural as possible - so your velvet paw receives a balanced diet. dr Natalie Dillitzer provides compact basic knowledge about the nutritional needs of cats. It gives important tips on the right care for different age groups or weight classes as well as preparation tips and instructions for balanced recipes. A well-founded introduction to BARF nutrition for cats that is suitable for everyday use. The GU Heimtier Plus app is available as an extra. This makes the animal guide interactive and provides further interesting additional information and pictures.
for dogs
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for cats
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