GU cat language
Purring, meowing, humping - our cat has a lot to say. But do we always interpret their language correctly? Just learn Katz. Then you know what your cat expects from you...
Purring, meowing, humping - our cat has a lot to say. But do we always interpret their language correctly? Just learn Katz. Then you know what your cat expects from you - and you too can clearly express wishes or displeasure. Mutual understanding brings harmony to the cat-human relationship. In the GU Tierratgeber Katzensprache, the cat expert Helga Hofmann explains how cats communicate with each other, how they talk to people and how you can make your velvet paw understand you. Helga Hofmann gives valuable tips on how to avoid misunderstandings in the daily interaction between humans and cats. The behavioral interpreter explains the typical behavior of our four-legged friends. And with SOS - what to do? help is guaranteed in an emergency. The GU Heimtier Plus app is available as an extra. This makes the animal guide interactive and provides further interesting additional information and pictures.
GU cat language