GU rats
Rats are very intelligent, extremely curious and incredibly witty. And they quickly gain confidence in their people. If you discover your heart for rats, you definitely don't have to worry about...
Rats are very intelligent, extremely curious and incredibly witty. And they quickly gain confidence in their people. If you discover your heart for rats, you definitely don't have to worry about one thing: boredom. The rat expert Gerd Ludwig answers all important questions about the well-being of the lively rodents in the GU animal guide rats: what to look out for when making a selection, how to acclimate the animals step by step, what they like and what keeps them healthy and what employment options are available are asked. There are also many practical tips and clever ideas on how to create a varied living and play paradise for rats. The behavioral interpreter also explains typical behaviors of the rats. And with SOS - what to do? help is guaranteed in an emergency.
GU rats