Terra Canis Dog Food Supplement Gold Rush Oil Blend
Supplementary feed for dogs Combines five oils into a unique blend With hemp oil, linseed oil, argan oil, rosehip seed oil and black cumin oil High proportion of polyunsaturated fatty acids...
- Supplementary feed for dogs
- Combines five oils into a unique blend
- With hemp oil, linseed oil, argan oil, rosehip seed oil and black cumin oil
- High proportion of polyunsaturated fatty acids
- 250ml
Terra Canis Gold Rush combines five of the best oils into a unique mixture and thus offers a very special and new form of dietary supplement for dogs. Hemp oil, linseed oil, argan oil, rosehip seed oil and black cumin oil are combined in one product for the first time. It contains valuable fatty acids and high concentrations of vitamins, minerals and phytochemicals. There are countless vegetable oils on the market for dogs and humans, but the special features of individual oils have never been combined in this form. To be used as a multi-week cure or as a daily food supplement for the dog.
Many unsaturated fatty acids
Gold Rush is an oil mixture with a particularly large number of valuable fatty acids. In particular, the proportion of polyunsaturated fatty acids at 68.4% is crucial, as these cannot be produced by the dog's body itself. Hemp oil, as another main ingredient, contains 80% mono and polyunsaturated fatty acids. The optimal ratio of omega-6 to omega-3 fatty acids of 4:1 is particularly noteworthy. Linseed oil contains 56-70% alpha-linolenic acid, which the body needs to produce the essential omega-6 and omega-3 fatty acids. In addition to omega-6 fatty acids, black cumin oil also contains the substance thymoquinome, which has an anti-inflammatory effect. Saturated fatty acids: 11.2%, unsaturated fatty acids: 20.3% polyunsaturated fatty acids: 68.4%, of which omega-3 fatty acids: 25.8%
Which fatty acids for what?
The saturated fatty acids mainly provide the dog with energy, while the unsaturated fatty acids support the immune system and cell structure. They thus promote the body's defenses, and they also support nerve tracts and brain functions. The condition of the coat and skin as well as the eyesight are also supported by monounsaturated and polyunsaturated fatty acids.
The Terra Canis brand
The dog is man's best friend. He stands by us in every situation and gives us his love, affection and loyalty every day. Such a good friend deserves to be treated with respect and responsibility. Also in terms of nutrition. With this in mind, Birgitta Ornau founded the company and the Terra Canis brand. With the ultimate goal of producing high-quality dog food made from natural, food-grade ingredients. A lot of muscle meat, heart meat and a little liver are used for the Terra Canis menus, supplemented with fresh vegetarian raw materials such as fruit, vegetables and herbs. The crushed ingredients are blended without artificial additives or preservatives. In addition, there are only natural ingredients such as seaweed, organic eggshells, mineral earth, rose hips, pollen, silica, whey, Andean salt or rapeseed oil. In this way, your dog is supplied with all the important raw materials in a species-appropriate manner, as nature intended.
Is your dog tired and listless?
There are also times in a dog's life when your loyal friend needs special food or nutritional supplements. Build it up with multivitamin supplements or strengthen its nerves when stressed and listless.